Amount - Select the amount of the Pins or Tails you would like to add.Choose whether you want to add Pins or Tails to the lines selected.With the Gadget running you will have the following options.Go to 'Gadgets' on the toolbar and select the 'Dovetail Pin Creator' Gadget.Select all single lines that you would like to add an equal amount of pins or tails to using the SHIFT key on the keyboard and clciking them with your mouse.If you are unfamiliar with this process please watch the short tutorial video on how to use this gadget. If your design consists of closed vectors and no single line spans you will need to use the Node Editing tool and cut the single line span from the vector you would like to edit.The Dovetail Pin Creator requires you to select Single straight lines to add Pins or Tails to.Create your vectors of what you would like to add Dovetail vectors to.